
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a rapid chemical analysis technology that uses a short laser pulse to create a micro-plasma on the sample surface. This analytical technique offers many compelling advantages compared to other elemental analysis techniques. Gunshot residues (GSR) are particles produced when a firearm is shot. It is principally composed of burnt and unburnt particles from the explosive primer. iForenLIBS can identify the chemical elements present in such particles (lead, antimony and barium). It provides an immediate and automatic response telling whether these elements are present or not
on the surface analysed. iForenLIBS can perform a direct analysis in the field over clothes, skin, metals, plastic, walls or any other surface of interest. determination The distance from which a shot has been made can be of the highest relevance
in a forensic investigation. The current techniques for its determination pose a high uncertainty and are subjective. iForenLIBS
automatically scans the surface on which a shot was made and maps the relative concentrations. Artificial intelligence algorithms automatically provide an estimation of the shooting distance which is both reliable and repeatable.


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